Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Dark or Milk?

I don't think we've had a solid night of sleep in over two years. Our little two-year-old caboose Logan comes up with some reason to wake up several times a night. And he's not demure about it. He literally wakes up shouting one of the following things:
  • "MOM! Baba!" (needs a bottle refill--don't ask, it's sore spot)

  • "Foot! Foot!" (the blanket is no longer covering his foot)

  • "Heater ON! MOM! Heater ON!" (his personal space heater has shut off)
Last night he came up with a new one.


This happened at about 4:00am, and Cathy went in to soothe him and assure him that he wasn't getting chocolate, and it was 4:00am. I guess he had a nightmare about chocolate. When I think of chocolate, I have a mixture of emotions. I think of fine Swiss or German-made milk chocolate that melts in your mouth. But sometimes I am overcome with images of orange-faced Oompa Loompas chanting. It's worse than clowns. Maybe that's what he was dreaming about.

1 comment:

Cecily R said...

Those Oompa Loompas ARE pretty scary but I'd still take them over clowns. At least they sing funny songs about bratty kids who chew too much gum and stuff.

The FOOT call made me laugh. Only because I have soooooooooo been there. Evie doesn't yell words yet, but she definately gets her point across when she needs me at 3 AM!!!

Glad you joined the blogging world. We need more Markisms.